
Competitions & Awards

Our programme considered of four competitive sections.

International Shorts 
New international short films (0-25 min) of all genres. No premiere requirements. Main awards: SVT Kortfilm International Award: a purchase offer from SVT.

International Mid and Features Competition
New international mid-length and feature films (25–100 min).
Fiction films (live action/animation/experimental). Films may not have been theatrically released in Sweden or broadcast on Swedish TV. International jury. Main award: Stone City Award. The winning director gets 10 000 SEK in cash sponsored by The Church of Sweden.

International Children´s Films
International children's films of all genres. Target audience: 3-7 years old. No premiere requirements. International jury. Main award: Pija Lindenbaum Award – 20 000 SEK in cash sponsored by Sundsvalls kommun, Kultur och Fritid. 

Swedish Shorts
Swedish short films (0-30 min) of all genres. No premiere requirements. International jury.
Main award: Stone City Award for Best Norrland Short- 25 000 SEK in cash sponsored by Film i Västerbotten, Film Västernorrland, Filmpool Jämtland Härjedalen, Filmpool Nord and Region Gävleborg, and a wooden sculpture created by artist Cecilia Tjärnberg.
Main award: Stone City Award – Best Swedish Short. 30 000 SEK in cash sponsored by the Swedish Film Institute and 20 000 SEK in cash sponsored by Scen & Film. A wooden sculpture created by artist Cecilia Tjärnberg.