fredag 20 oktober 2023

Vinnare av Stone City Award 2023 för bästa europeiska film är...

...PARADISET BRINNER regisserad av Mika Gustafson!

Juryns motivering:"The jury would like to recognise a promising new voice of Swedish cinema that catapults the audience into a coming-of-age adventure embedded in the fabric that is the reality of three sisters. No matter how precarious their living situation might seem, the film doesn't judge their creation of paradise. Their freedom and desires are valid, their choices are self-governed. The writer and director Mika Gustafson cleverly avoids overt criticism and politicization of the story and allows the actors to shine with raw and authentic talent."

Filmen vinner 10 000 kr från Film Västernorrland.

Juryn valde även att belöna MEN OF DEEDS av Paul Negoescu med ett hedersomnämnande.

Juryn för Next Europe bestod av: Abbe Hassan, Piia Nokelainen och Valeria Wagner.